Baltimore Ravens M&T Bank Stadium, Baltimore, MD
Date: 1998, 1999, 2012, 2014-2017, 2019
M&T Bank Stadium–Baltimore Ravens–New Construction–1998 and Retrofit
The stadium expansion joint story at Ravens M&T Bank Stadium is a case study in “you get what you pay for.”
While EMSEAL’s suite of stadium expansion joint solutions was the basis-of-design, the GC was allowed to break up the package. This common practice is used to drive cost out of a project but it invariably costs the owner far more over time than his share of the upfront “value engineering.”
One would reasonably expect to have to replace expansion joints and sealants installed in 1998 at some point in the ensuing 18 years. However, remarkably, many of the originally installed EMSEAL system are still functioning. Where alternates were used in the bowl and plaza decks surrounding the stadium on the street side, replacement has been required.
Wall Expansion Joints Sealed with Seismic Colorseal
At new construction in 1998 EMSEAL’s Seismic Colorseal was used in all vertical wall joints on the interior and exterior of this stadium. The versatility of Seismic Colorseal is demonstrated on this project in it’s unique ability to handle changes in joint width, as well as in its ability to be shaped to follow the contours of the precast concrete panels.
Inside Corners and Rough Substrates Uniquely Handled with Seismic Colorseal
In contrast to strip-seal systems, Seismic Colorseal installs easily at inside corners due to it’s unique non-invasive anchoring. And because of its precompressed foam backing, Seismic Colorseal fills and seals joint-face irregularities at mortar joints and on other rough subrates.
Stadium Concourse Joints With Thermaflex
Thermaflex by EMSEAL was used in all the horizontal concourse joints in the concourse concession and service areas. Conservative aggregate loading has ensured the durability of the nosing material despite high-point-load rolling loads in this demanding application.
Plaza Deck Joints -- Pay Now or Pay Later
In the plaza surrounding the outside of the stadium, Migutan FP (For Plaza) was specified. The GC pressed for “value engineering” on the plaza joints. EMSEAL refused to bow to pressure to provide an inappropriate cheaper alternative. The Migutan FP was switched out for cheaper nosing-and-extruded-gland system from another manufacturer.
Predictably, the heavily-aggregate-loaded nosing material cracked, and the seal leaked at field-butted direction changes. The leaks under the plaza deck had to be managed with underside gutters.
Originally Specified Migutan FP Plaza Deck Expansion Joint Called On 18 Years Later
In 2017, EMSEAL was brought it to provide the originally specified FP-System to properly address the plaza deck expansion joints. The solution will involve factory-fabricated transitions to ensure continuity of seal at all plane and direction changes as well as integral coverplates to ensure a non-skid, pedestrian-friendly traffic surface.
Ravens M&T Bank Stadium shows once again that while you could pay less for your expansion joints up front, you’ll never pay less in the long run with EMSEAL.